Days on a bumpy road.
Today is not like yesterday, nor will it be like tomorrow. For today i have learned, yesterday I destroyed, and tomorrow I will act. But today I think. I learn. I hope to find reslove.
My mind seems to race, and my eyes see nothing but shroud. The dammage has been done. Now with the curtian pulled away I see the pain the destruction and the agony rought by my blindness. Tomorrow a slow road waits. Trust has broken, and hearts need mending. My love is full, but my hands are weak. I strive to repair what devastation has been left in my wake, but hope to prevent such blindness again.
Fear is faulty. Caution is wise, where fear would destroy. A lesson I often forget and rarely remember. Fear leads one to panic. Panic leads to unwise choices, and in a state of unwisdom pain works its weave. Caution holds wisdom that I lack. Caution would lead to slow sure wise decisions. It is caution that I must learn. Fear gripps my heart, like the vines of rose bushes depected in my artwork; I have alowed it to grow there to long. Now escaping that blind fear will surly be a sore task.
My days will now be spent in a rehabilitative mind. I once was a master of my inside. I once strove to master my outside. In one foolish moment all that was built was thrashed. Pecies of smoldering rubble lay there now. Echos of memories, where strength once stood. Shadows of the past glimmering in smokey ruin. I am a carpenter, and now I will rebuild the strength that once flowed in my body, my mind, and most of all my heart. Years of neglect, countless days of destructive nights. Sex, alcohol, and so many emotions. Emotions that I fed apon as if they were adictive drugs, narcotics that dulled my mind and slowly put my heart to sleep. Kept so sedated so I wouldn't have to face the day I now must wake up. Clear out the cobwebbs of my mind renew the vitality that once stayed in my bones.
My Meditation begins.......
My mind seems to race, and my eyes see nothing but shroud. The dammage has been done. Now with the curtian pulled away I see the pain the destruction and the agony rought by my blindness. Tomorrow a slow road waits. Trust has broken, and hearts need mending. My love is full, but my hands are weak. I strive to repair what devastation has been left in my wake, but hope to prevent such blindness again.
Fear is faulty. Caution is wise, where fear would destroy. A lesson I often forget and rarely remember. Fear leads one to panic. Panic leads to unwise choices, and in a state of unwisdom pain works its weave. Caution holds wisdom that I lack. Caution would lead to slow sure wise decisions. It is caution that I must learn. Fear gripps my heart, like the vines of rose bushes depected in my artwork; I have alowed it to grow there to long. Now escaping that blind fear will surly be a sore task.
My days will now be spent in a rehabilitative mind. I once was a master of my inside. I once strove to master my outside. In one foolish moment all that was built was thrashed. Pecies of smoldering rubble lay there now. Echos of memories, where strength once stood. Shadows of the past glimmering in smokey ruin. I am a carpenter, and now I will rebuild the strength that once flowed in my body, my mind, and most of all my heart. Years of neglect, countless days of destructive nights. Sex, alcohol, and so many emotions. Emotions that I fed apon as if they were adictive drugs, narcotics that dulled my mind and slowly put my heart to sleep. Kept so sedated so I wouldn't have to face the day I now must wake up. Clear out the cobwebbs of my mind renew the vitality that once stayed in my bones.
My Meditation begins.......
My experience suggests patience, rather than caution, as an effective approach on the path of learning.
I was not refering so much as to learning as to action. My in learning I must agree. In action patience is not always the best corse. In action I find it wise to always have caution in mind.
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