This is my rant for the day. This lady comes in and says she needs to register. I have no idea what shes talking about and look at her quizically while she keeps talking. I figure out that she is here for a fostercare visit. This is important because it will determine where she goes next. Then I ask who her case worker is. She gives me 2 names. 2 First names. I work in a building with 4 floors and more then 500 employees, if not closer to 1,000. The names she gives me are Ryan and Amy. Do you have any idea how many people work in this building with those names? So I ask for last names and she just keeps asking if I know either of these two people. In my head im like "shut the fuck up for one second and listen to the words coming out of my mouth, LAST name." eventually the recpionist figures out what she is smoking and takes care of it. GOD I HATE STUPID PEOPLE!!!
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