Up date on my last AYOR poast.
So where did I leave off? Oh right I didn't actually get in to it. Ok so here goes, the whole story from the start. The first question is what constitutes the start? Ok here is the disclaimer. This is the sole opinion of FH and not nessasarily actual fact. This is FH, here after refered to as my, point of view and there for just the narrow view of an outside party who has, at best, only most of the facts, and quite possibly only some of said facts. Ok there, now that the disclaimer is out of the way here is my perspective, aka view, on the events of the past week. The following information is, in part, from things I have been told by the partys mentioned in the following document. Simply put some of this information is my perspective of the perspective of those partys whom have given me their perspective. To be compleet I will start from before I knew the involved partys. The main players in this are L and Z. They were high school sweet hearts and around the time they graduated is around the time I met them. In high school, like many of us, they were both still figuring out who they were. He, from what I understand, was pretty much the same person then as he is now. She, on the other hand, stil had a lot of self discovery to do. By the time they were both out of school and she had a good hold on who she is they had become very different people. He held on to the "sinking ship" out of loyalty and, for lack of a better term, as a security blanket. For her part I do not know what her reasons or modivations were, so I will not speculate here. It was quickly apparent to most every one that he was not what she wanted any more and she was not what he wanted any more. By that point neither L or Z was willing to admit it, and also neither wanted to let go of their love, no matter how much it hurt them; and in turn those who care about them. So life goes on and they have their ups and downs and years go by. Enter party and S. 5 years ago S met Z and quickly, as many peole do, fell in love with him. Z is a great man, and a wonderfull friend. As such it is quite easy to fall in love with him. As such it is easy to see why so many would consider him as a good choice for, and not only consider but attempt to gain him as, a life companion. For some this means wanting him to be their intimate partner, aka BF/Feaunce/Husband/etc... In the case of S she has, and possibly always will, want him not as a freind, and not as a companion, but only as a BF/Husband etc.. He gains this "lovability" for a reason, and for those who do not know him, as I would like to believe that I know him, he can easily be missunderstood. For many he gives comfort and support. For those seeking more then friendship it is easy to missinturpet his intentions. This is the case for S. I have not been there for all of their relationship, however. From what I have seen and have heard from both sides she has allowed her self to find a fantisy world and as such much fact is distorted through her dreamy vission. As I have destroyed a friendship with such clouded vision her situation is all too fimaliar to me. Now I will introduce A, and J. A and J "hooked up" shortly after S met Z. J has a sex addiction. As such the last 5 years have been full of J cheeting on A and A forgiving J, and the cycle continues to this day. Now enter C. C is another sole like Z. Fun happy and easy to fall in love with. C moved in with Me Z and L in december. Z had already started to fall in love with C prior to moving in together. I do not know on C's part and so I will not speculate here. By march it was easy to see how much Z's heart longed for Z's brain to see what he was feeling and take action from there. This finaly happend this past month. Although there are and were better ways for this past month to have happend Z has held on to an ideal that made this past month much... different then it otherwise would have been. The ideal I mentioned is best described in the tale of the spider and the butterfly. This story orrigonates form an anami intitled "Vash The Stampeed". In this story a butterfly gets trapped in a spiders web. Vash wants both the spider and the butterfly to be safe. His brother Knives steps in and kills the spider, thinking that Vash only wanted to save the butterfly. The reality of the situation is that if the spider doesn't eat, then it will die, but if the spider does eat the butterfly will die. And so continues the circle of life. However in the life of Z he continually trys to save all the spiders and butterflys. Until such times as this it comes to the point where he cant save both, and to his credit, still trys. So back to this past month. This past month Z came to an impass. Not all the butterflys could be saved, and neither could all the spiders. In addition to this it had and was still taking time for the full effect of the change in Z's heart to "sink in" enough for him to accept those feelings for what they were. So every thing happened in a verry... less then "clean cut" fashion. The nitty gritty details asside due to desisions made L has broken, quite possibly forever, the trust of A. J has consinted to attending thearapy with A to work out his addiction. S has informed Z not to be a part of her life untill or unless he wants to... "hook up with her". And finaly L and Z have separated and Z and C have... "hooked up". This is where I come in. A and I will have to take some time to work out my involvement in her life. L and I will have to wait and see where we stand at the end of all this. As S holds on to her immaginary world I become more and more blurry in her world and there for more distant. In the world of C I seem neutral, however we will see how the comming year effects that. For Z and my self, I believe that we have become much closer through all this. For this part ,I hope, will make the next employment indevor I am seeking that much more enjoyable; as I will see much more of him. In the world of me this means some huge changes. L has asked that C leave the house. Z intends to go with her. I can not and will not live alone with L as she and I do not really get along all that well. So in October Z, C and myself will move in to our new place, and L will make a new life for herself, with the cats. I have had no power in any of this and have and was left with no choice but to sit back and watch it all unfold. I watched with sad eyes feeling like the only others aware of the comming tides of pain were the cats ,whom reside with us. It is good to see Z so happy, and I hope the best for this man, whom is one of my life companions, and greatest Loves. He and I share that ideal, and will, I hope, both of us continue to hold to it until the day we each die. To all others in this story, I wish you all the best, and may all the spiders and butterflys in your comming days find long life and little death.
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